Restarting My Blog

Hello, World!

Hello everybody, I’ve decided to restart my blog to share my hobbies. This will be a place for me to write stuff that I may need to revisit in the future, or simply to get it out of my head and out into the cyberspace :P

In the following days I will be republishing old stuff that I’ve written in my previous blog. BTW, I recently joined Mastodon and it has been a breath of fresh air, I got tired of the busy feed on twitter and decided to reconnect with my roots in free software and open source.

The folks at fosstodon are very nice people, so I encourage you to join too! Feel free to follow me there @loop0.

About my hobbies, ever since I moved to US I’ve started collecting retro stuff, like old video game consoles, and I’ve got very interested in console modding as well, so a few months later and I already modified my Sony Playstation with a ps1digital and an xstation kit, a Sega Dreamcast with dcdigital and a gdemu. I also converted my Gamecube DOL-101 analog port to a digital port. It has been a fun ride learning electronics and soldering a long the way.

Besides that, my interest in mechanical watches grew over the past years and I’ve started collecting watches and studying about watch history. I guess it is a way to do something out of the digital world and I feel good about it.

Lately I’ve been doing some research on reverse engineering, which I want to apply to a product that I have which only can be updated via Windows. I’m trying to figure out if I can get some code to make the flashing process working on linux as well. I will definitely make a post here with my findings on this subject.

Alright, I feel I’m done writing for this first post.